Second International MAMH Meeting/ Programme & Abstracts
Psychometric evaluation in autistic children showed improvement mainly in language development when they received fibriblast growth factor basic (fgf2) as a therapy
Second International Medical Aspects Handicap an Association Of European Organizations Meeting / Programme & Abstracts.
July 9-12, 1998 Manchester , England
Aguilar L.C, Rosique P., Alfaro F., Cruz S., Martín R., Islas A., González R. and Cantu J.M. IINEDEC., Depto Biología Celular y Molecular, CUCBA Universidad de Guadalajara.. AP. 39-20, Guadalajara, C.P. 44171. Jalisco., MEXlCO
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Determine the Improvement in developmental quotient (DQ) of children with mental retardation and. also in children with language and learning disabilities that has been observed, when they received FGF-2 as a therapy.
Recent studies in autistic children showed morphological abnormalities in parietal cortical areas, and some groups suggest that limbic regions and cerebellum are also ¡involved. Previous neurophysiologic studies of VEP’s in autistic children (DSM IV), carried out by our group showed very frequently, abnormalities mainly in parietal and temporal regions, when linear correlation and energy ratio analysis were used. The above mentioned suggest damage or poor development of these areas. With the purpose of knowing the response of autistic children to FGF-2 therapy in language, social behavior, motor, visomotor and cognitive skills, we used the following psychometric test: Gesell, Peabody picture vocabulary, Pick and Vayer scale and bender. FGF 2 was used subcutaneously at dosage of 0.01 µg/kg, every two weeks. Three groups were formed, group A (GA) n=9, males between 3 and 5 years, developmental quotient (DQ}=48±9, group B (GB) males between 5 and B years was subdivided according to DQ; group B1 (DQ=67±10) n=5, and GB2 (DQ=45±10), n=9.
Previous to treatment, it was evaluated the development of quotient (DQ), of autistic children, and evaluated after six months of treatment with FGF 2.
Results. and Discussion
After 6 months, results were totalized and compared through t-test and or chi square. Group A showed significant improvement in language.
(p<0.004), social skills (p<0.0l) and in total D.Q. (p<0.001). In cognitive area it’ was not shown significant changes and in motor skills, it was not possible the 6 months evaluation because several children improved as much as they exceeded the top limit of the scale.
The group B1 showed significant improvement in language (p<0.00B) and psychomotor (p<0.05) in visomotor after these 6 months of treatment, but skills did not found significant changes, probably due to dispersion. The initial mean was 32.25 and the 6 month mean was 75. lo GB2 was observed significant (p<0.000l) changes in language, psychomotor and visomotor, The initial studies showed that the language was the most affected area and the 6 months results showed the higher advances in this area.
The FGF 2 therapy in autistic children improve all areas studied, but dramatically the development of the language, almost threefold en groups A and B2, almost ninefold in B1.
Effect of fgf 2 in the treatment of infantile psychsis.
Second International Medical Aspects Handicap an Association Of European Organizations Meeting / Programme & Abstracts.
July 9-12, 1998 Manchester , England
Boom, M., Rosique, P. Alfaro, F., Islas, A., and Aguilar, Le.
IINEDEC., Depto de Biología Celular y MoIecular CUCBA. Universidad de Guadalajara. A.P.39-20, Guadalajara, 44171, Jalisco, MEXICO.
To test this new treatment, that can improve neurons of several regions of the cortex.
It has been reported several psychoanalysis studies around infantile psychosis (Mahler, 1971, Tustin, 1975), that have accounted in knowledge of autistic behavior with limited results. As it is known infantile psychosis is a pervasive developmental disorder (DSM IV). Many researchers stated out that the Maternal link was the aetiology of the problem, but the therapy proposed did not result in a significant improvement, nevertheless the general situation of patient was better.
Four groups of Infantile Psychosis were formed (DSM IV); Group 1 (G1) n=3, received FGF 2 subcutaneously at 0.01 µg/kg every two weeks, plus psychoanalytic therapy three times a week. Group 2 (G2) n=3, received only psychoanalytical therapy three times a week. Group 3 (G3) n=3, ‘ received as unique treatment FGF 2 subcutaneously at the same dosage than G1. Group4 (G4) n=l, this patient did not accept FGF 2 nor psychoanalytic therapy. The evaluation was performed from the analysis of Videotape during the first five minutes of the session, registering the presence, absence and frequency of autistic behavior (Visual contact, tolerance to physical nearest, how the communication was made during the play, play interaction, short of play and finally the use of play material).
The evaluation was performed before and after 6 months of treatment period and the results were compared through t- test and / or chi square.
Results and Discussion
For analytical purposes, it is shown only two groups (G): GA (n=6) that received FGF 2 and GB that did not receive FGF 2. In GA all the autistic behaviors improved significantly (p<0.0003). In GB play interaction was the only parameter hat improved.
The FGF2 therapy significantly improves the autistic behavior in Infantile psychosis.