
nubiore_beta_infantNatural Dietary Supplement (Oral-sublingual)

Formulations: ALPHA and BETA

To purchase Nubiore, please visit

Amino Acids in solution: Aspartic acid – Alanine – Arginine – Glycine- Leucine- Lysine- Proline – Threonine.

Central and Peripheral Nervous System Restorer. Proteic Fetal-Taurus Extracts (fractions highly purified >99%), which includes a variety Amino-Acids in proprietary formulations.

nubiore_beta_adultnubiore_alpha_infantNubiore Adult

NUBIORE© is useful to promote the restoration of Peripheral and Central Nervous System (CNS) malfunctions, and rehabilitation of ailments where there is lack of development,  damage, degeneration or regressive neuronal events.

It contains proteic fractions and amino-acids obtained from Fetal-Taurus Extracts, with trophic effects on neurons, glial cells, retina, kidney, bone articular cartilage, immunological system, among other tissues, organs, biological aparatus and systems.

Due to its scientifically proven neuroprotective effect ( ), it is useful before nerosurgery or any other neurological foreseen stress, as well as after stroke and craneo-encephalic trauma, where the early application (as soon as possible after the event), helps diminishing neuronal damage.

Its administration after damage (after days, months or even years), contributes to promote the neurological restoration and functional rehabilitation, clinically and scientifically proven  ( ).

In the case of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson´s, Alzheimer´s, Amniotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), Pigmentary Retinosis, among others, it helps slowing the progress of the disease, improving some functions like memory, muscular strength and control, vision and diminishing some symptoms like tremor, stiffness, hipotonicity, among others.

In case of Pediatric Pervasive Developmental Delays (PDD), or disorders like Language and Learning Disabilities, such as Dyslexia ( ), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) with or without Hyperactivity (ADDH) and Psycho-Motor Deficits, Mental Deficiency (MD – ), Developmental Delay associated with Down Syndrome (DS) and Autism ( ), it helps promoting the Mental Development, thus diminishing the degree of delay or disability.

In the case of neurological decay associated with older age, fatigue caused by stress, and mental or physical wear out, these Natural Dietary Supplements help to improve memory, attention focusing, thought concentration and thinking process, learning skills, while improve strength and vitality.
Its regulatory effect on the vascular tone and its trophic effect on heart, helps to improve circulatory functions such as arterial blood pressure and micro-circulation, among others.

Its trophic effect on articular cartilage helps to improve the oseo-muscular performance, reducing the progression of the illness as in the case of articular degeneration (Osteoarthritis).

Relatively recent extraordinary Scientific Research Works confirm that Growth Factor – Like Protein Fractions are able to stimulate Cortical Neurogenesis in adult mammals, as well as Hippocampus Neurogénesis ( ), thus are excellent promotors of neuronal repopulation in cases where neuronal loss of any degree and origin, has been suffered.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

MygroffMygroff DayNite©

Natural Dietary Supplement (Oral-sublingual)
Presentation: ADULT – Unidose

To order Mygroff DayNite©, please visit:

Mygroff DayNite© has been clinically proven to improve the Migraine symptoms severity, allowing you to proceed with your normal activities of a work day.

Mygroff DayNite© is supported by a wide Scientific Research background and a strong Clinical Experience, in a farmulation that has been successfully used  by thousands of people, during the last 25 years.

With only a few drops of this flavorless, odorless and free of side effects solution, you can significantly contribute to diminish the annoying and sometimes disabling symptoms of Migraine, in a permanent way.