
  • 5th European Congress on Epileptology

    Coherence analysis of EGC whit out stimulation in autistic children shows abnormalities that suggest abnormal communications between regions.
    Cherece analysis of eeg in autistic children showed improvement after fgf2 treatment, which suggests remodeling a cortical communication.
    5th European Congress on Epileptology
    October 6th-10th, 2002 Madrid , España

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  • Second International MAMH Meeting/ Programme & Abstracts

    Psychometric evaluation in autistic children showed improvement mainly in language development when they received fibriblast growth factor basic (fgf2) as a therapy.
    Effect of fgf 2 in the treatment of infantile psychsis.
    Second International Medical Aspects Handicap an Association Of European Organizations Meeting / Programme & Abstracts.
    July 9-12, 1998 Manchester , England

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  • Engineering / Regeneration Healing / Stem Cell Biology

    Detection, Confirmation and Quantification of FGF2 (BOVINE)
    Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Second Annaual
    October 3-5, 1999 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

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  • Recent Advances in Human Neurophysiology

    Comparative Analysis using VEPs showed many abnormalities in autistic respect to healthy children.
    The Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 (FGF2) Improves VEPs in Autistic Children.
    The FGF2 Improves VEPs in Dyslexic Children (DCh).
    Recent Advances in Human Neurophysiology. March 1998. Okazaki, Japan.

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  • The Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilites

    Comparative Study of the Administration of Different Dosages of Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF-2) in Mental Retardation.
    The Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF-2) Improves Dyslexia in Children with Perinatal Hypoxia Antecedents.
    10th World Congress of the International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual Disabilites.
    8 – 13 July 1996; Helsinki, Finland.

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  • The Mentally Retarded in the 2000’S Society

    Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) improves the rate development and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) in Down Syndrome.
    The Mentally Retarded in the 2000’S Society.
    Proceedings of the First International Congress on Mental Retardation.
    23 – 26 March 1996; Rome, Italy.

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  • Journal of Intellectual Disability Research

    Psychometric analysis in children with mental retardation due to perinatal hypoxia treated with fibroblast growth factor (fgf) and showing improvement in mental development.
    Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. Volume 37, Part 6. December 1993. England.

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  • Oftalmology

    Antioxidantes y Ácidos Grasos (DHA) en el Tratamiento de la Retinosis Pigmentaria Factores Neurotróficos y de crecimiento Sin lugar a dudas, la investigación a corto plazo más esperanzadora comenzó hace poco más de 10 años cuando se empezaron a entender los mecanismos y las sustancias que inhiben la apoptosis. En los últimos 5 años se […]

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  • Odontology

    Una nueva técnica permite crear hueso donde no lo hay Factores de Crecimiento Óseos: Su importancia para poder rehabilitar con éxito maxilares atróficos. El P.R.P. (Plasma Rico en Proteinas) La falta de hueso adecuado en el conjunto o en parte de los maxilares implica en muchas ocasiones importantes dificultades para poder rehabilitar una boca con […]

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  • Neurology

    1: Brain Res 1993 Oct 29;626(1-2):335-8 Department of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA. Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) has been shown to have neuroprotective effects in animal models of ischemia. To determine whether bFGF is protective against seizure-induced brain damage, we administered bFGF through osmotic pumps prior to, and after treatment with […]

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  • Hematology

    Alternativas farmacológicas a las transfusiones de sangre y componentes Armando Cortés B., M.D. Profesor Titular, Departamento de Patología, Facultad de Salud, Universidad del Valle. Jefe de Laboratorio, Hospital Universitario del Valle. Director Banco de Sangre Cruz Roja Colombiana, Seccional Valle, Cali, Colombia RESUMEN Con la conciencia actual sobre los riesgos de las transfusiones, ha crecido […]

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  • Geriatrics

    Basic FGF attenuates amyloid beta-peptide-induced oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and impairment of Na+/K+-ATPase activity in hippocampal neurons. Mark RJ; Keller JN; Kruman I; Mattson MP Sanders-Brown Research Center on Aging, University of Kentucky, Lexington 40536, USA. Brain Res, 756(1-2):205-14 1997 May 9 Abstract Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) exhibits trophic activity for many populations of […]

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  • Farmacology

    General pharmacology of recombinant human basic fibroblast growth factor.
    Okumura M; Yajima M; Nishimura T; Ikeda H; Nishimori T Pharmacology Laboratories, Kaken Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.,
    Kyoto, Japan. Arzneimittelforschung, 46(7):727-39 1996 Jul

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  • Cellular Biology

    Antioxidantes y Ácidos Grasos (DHA) en el Tratamiento de la Retinosis Pigmentaria Factores Neurotróficos y de crecimiento Sin lugar a dudas, la investigación a corto plazo más esperanzadora comenzó hace poco más de 10 años cuando se empezaron a entender los mecanismos y las sustancias que inhiben la apoptosis. En los últimos 5 años se […]

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  • Angiology

    Dr. Alberto Crottogini Universidad Favaloro

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